Welcome to the
MFS Retirement
Target Calculator

Thank you for your participation in determining your retirement needs. This calculator is intended to be a moving target, which we can update and improve on over time. Have fun, and visualize the retirement that you want to live!

We suggest using the most recent version of Google Chrome or Microsoft IE, and a PC instead of a mobile device to ensure proper functionality.

When entering your expenses, be sure to enter monthly amounts based on current prices. Avoid being too conservative with your figures, as we can make adjustments later if required. If you are unsure on any particular item, we recommend reviewing your recent bank and credit statements and using an average of the last 6 months. Reviewing past expenses is valuable in itself, and can often be eye opening.

Placing the cursor over the "?" icon to the right of any expense item will display some additional clarification. If you feel that an expense is not applicable, simply enter $0, as every expense requires a value to be entered. On the last page of the final section is the button to proceed to your report. From there, you will have the ability to send the document to our office and download the Excel spreadsheet for yourself. Lastly, if you have an existing MFS retirement budget completed, you can upload the file below and continue to make future changes.

If you have any questions during this process, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you!

Thank you for your participation in determining your retirement needs.

This retirement target calculator is intended to be a moving target, which we can update and improve on over time. Please try to have fun when completing this activity, and visualize the retirement that you want to live.